
It’s kind of liberating to live within one’s means. Some people may think that I have a problem with money because I am focused on how much income I need to live the life I deserve and for which I have worked hard. The truth is that I don’t want money problems. As much as…

Countdown to Book Release

In only six more days, I will see the culmination of a long-term personal project, the publication of my debut memoir: I Asked the Blue Heron. As I check off items from the long to-do list leading to this important event in my life, I feel my pulse accelerating, my apprehensions and fears exploding. I…

A Day in the Life of a Venezuelan Senior

By Lisbeth Coiman. ® Copyright material In Guarenas, an old woman lines up in the bank to claim her pension of Bs.160,000, the equivalent of $10 (give and take a few dollars depending on the exchange rate). She rests on one foot seeking relief for her twisting spine, crooked from advanced arthritis. The bank is…