Countdown to Book Release

In only six more days, I will see the culmination of a long-term personal project, the publication of my debut memoir: I Asked the Blue Heron. As I check off items from the long to-do list leading to this important event in my life, I feel my pulse accelerating, my apprehensions and fears exploding. I…

How to Escape Adverse Circumstances / Cómo escapar circunstancias adversas

Pack light. Both physical and emotional baggage slows the pace. Have a plan of action, A clear idea of where to put the next step: The name of a city, An address, The picture of the door you’ll knock on, The phone number of an advocate. Remember your tropical spirit. The strong palm tree bends…

Review: Pieces of Me, by Lizbeth Meredith

Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters, by Lizbeth Meredith. She Writes Press. Berkeley. 2016 Reading Pieces of Me, by Lizbeth Meredith, the Alaskan writer and domestic abuse advocate, is to experience the harrowing journey of a mother to find her abducted daughters. This is a story of resilience and courage, of a woman determined…