Displacement, relocation and moving families

Review: Pieces of Me, by Lizbeth Meredith

Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters, by Lizbeth Meredith. She Writes Press. Berkeley. 2016 Reading Pieces of Me, by Lizbeth Meredith, the Alaskan writer and domestic abuse advocate, is to experience the harrowing journey of a mother to find her abducted daughters. This is a story of resilience and courage, of a woman determined…

How to find home

How to define home when living an entire life in transition? During the last 20 years, I have lived in three different countries and moved eight times. It’s not packing boxes what unsettles me. Each move has required passports and immigration procedures, driving licenses, professional certification, and helping my family thrive in the new culture.…

Monday Intentions: Write the heat wave

The last few days, the heat has forced us to grab a few blankets and sleep on the ground floor of our house. On our makeshift beds on the bare floor tiles, with a fan running all night long, we managed to sleep despite the record breaking temperatures in the LA area. Sweltering in the…