Contact Lisbeth below and let her know how you envision working together.

With over 25 years of experience as an adult educator, Lisbeth works with underrepresented communities, especially, but not restricted to: adults with disabilities, ESL, immigrants, older adults, re-entry, and single mothers.
Lisbeth maintains:
- Experience starting up new grant-funded college programs.
- Proven effectiveness in the design, implementation, and delivery of learning programs for adults.
- Passionate public speaking to the community to educate adult learners on the college credit system, as well as educational and financial opportunities.
- Effective coordination of task forces to advice the creation of new programs.
- Dynamism in the delivery of classroom instruction (ESL, GED in Spanish, and Developmental Writing.)
- Clear and concise administrative report writing.
- Fierce advocacy for immigrant students, assisting in the admission process, and reducing obstacles to transition between adult school and college.
As a Mental Health activist and advocate, Lisbeth stands up against the stigma both in the workplace and in the community at large.
Interested in working with me?