Venezuelan is currently living through its worst chapter in contemporary history. Protesters have flooded the streets to demand the ousting of the dictator. The regime has responded with brutal repression of the protesters. This unbalanced conflict has extended for over two months now.
This is why we should be concerned:
- Malnutrition will cause devastating effects on the brain of an entire generation of Venezuelans. The effects will carry on for at least three generations.

Children eating from the garbage. Photo borrowed from PanamaPost
- Oil refining in the once thriving nation is down to 16% daily capacity. Instead Venezuelan crude oil goes to Cuba where it is refined and sold. Two totalitarian regimes are benefitting from depleting Venezuela of its natural resources and sovereignty.

Borrowed from the Christian Science Monitor
- Currently, Venezuelans are being killed with American money. Golden Sacks just bought bonds thus giving the narco-regime much needed cash to continue its repression.

Borrowed from The PanamaPost
Can you name other reasons, why Venezuela matters today?