Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance, CA.Source: http://tait.com/2016/10/del-amo-fashion-center-wins-enr-award/
Malls are built to make the customer wander aimlessly and spend a lot of money.
Most people even enjoy the urban pleasure of getting lost in the shopping center, and returning to their cars with bags of great finds in their hands. For me, however, the mall experience is cause of anxiety. Feeling disoriented trying to find the exit to where my car is parked usually brings me to tears and makes me loath shopping.
From time to time, shopping makes it to the top of my to-do list. I have developed my own coping strategy so that I, too, can enjoy America’s favorite pastime.
First, I make a list of what I intend to buy in order to avoid returning things I didn’t need. Second, I tried to schedule so that I don’t shop on an empty stomach. The overstimulation in and around the food court stresses me to the point of anxiety. Third, when I park my car, I take a picture of any reference point in case I need it to find my way out. Then, I take mental note of what gate I enter. Did I enter through a mall gate, or through a department store door? Which department? Women, men, home furniture? Last, I write down my notes in the phone and try to stick to my original plan as much as possible.

A picture of a reference point helps locate my car in a busy parking lot at Del Amo Shopping Center in Torrance, CA.
If I follow my own strategy, I can successfully do my shopping without help from my husband or from a friend.
Los centros comerciales están hechos para que los consumidores vaguen sin propósito y gasten mucho dinero.
La mayoría de la gente incluso disfruta el placer urbano de perderse en un centro comercial, y regresar a sus vehículos con bolsas de las maravillas que encontraron. Para mi, sin embargo, la experiencia del mall es causa de ansiedad. Sentirme desorientada tratando de encontrar la salida donde se encuentra mi carro estacionado usualmente me provoca una crisis de llanto y hace que odie ir de compras.
De vez en cuando, hacer compras llega al tope de mi lista de cosas por hacer. Para eso he desarrollado mi propia estrategia para lidiar con esto, de manera que, yo también pueda disfrutar del pasatiempo favorito de los Estados Unidos.
Primero hago una lista de lo que intento comprar para evitar tener que regresar cosas que no necesitaba. Segundo, intento planificar mi salida de manera que no tenga que hacer compras con el estómago vacío. La sobre-estimulación alrededor de la feria de comida me estresa al punto de la ansiedad. Tercero, cuando estaciono mi carro, tomo una foto de algún punto de referencia en caso que no pueda encontrar mi vehículo. Entonces, tomo nota mental de la entrada que uso. ¿Entré por la puerta del mall, or por una tienda de departamentos? ¿Cuál departamento, Damas, Caballeros, mueblería? Por último, escribo mis notas en el teléfono y trato en lo posible de pegarme al plan original.
Si sigo mi propia estrategia puedo hacer mis compras eficientemente sin ayuda de mi esposo o de alguna amiga.
I cannot even remember the last time I went to a mall. I avoid it. I don’t like to shop. I wear clothes for years and years! I grocery shop early in the morning to avoid crowds.
I did that for many years, until I decided to give myself a make over. Now I have my coping strategies to go shopping. I still don’t like it, but I am getting better.
You’re a brave woman. I’ve avoided shopping centres all my life, but I do like the idea of taking a photo as a reference point for car parking. Strangely, this had never occurred to me.
Thanks, Jo. Sometimes small changes make a difference in one’s life.