University Learning Center At Ponca City

© Lisbeth Coiman At the peak of a mania episode, I have the tendency to develop psychosis. It starts with self-referent thoughts, the idea that the news refers to me. If left untreated, the idea that “they-are-out-to-get-me” develops into full-blown delusion of surveillance through my computer, other digital devices. However, I have also found solace…

Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Room

I have learned to walk in the dark house so well See colors where there is only a void Find beauty in the gloom.   Bend at the corners, Stride with confidence in the long corridors Avoid the depths of the abysm on the edge   Muffled in the comfort of silence Invisible to those…

Carmel Honey Company: talent and strong parenting.

In a room full of women, a fourteen year-old boy has the floor. Jake Reisdorf, the CEO of Carmel Honey Company, possesses a combination of charisma and passion for bees and honey that mesmerizes when he lectures about the science of beekeeping. He works the room with confidence and the audience command of a seasoned…