Different types of treatment including medication

Meditation Exercise 2 – The Ocean and the Rock

No need to find a sign in everything I see or live through. Sometimes it’s just enough to appreciate the view, name if anything, the visible elements, without describing, without finding metaphors or underlying meanings.

No hay necesidad de encontrar un signo en todo lo que vemos y vivimos. A veces es suficiente apreciar la vista, nombrar, si acaso, los elementos visibles, sin describir, sin encontrar metáforas o significados subyacentes.

Walking Meditation / Meditación en Movimiento

Each step we take moves the universe foward. Our feet are instruments that lead this temple to the search of light and universal truths, like those writers reveal. The path branches or intersects others, or runs parallel to others, for a moment, or for a long, sometimes for a lifetime.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy / Terapia de conducta dialéctica

At the beginning of each session, the facilitator guides the patients through a meditation exercise. This is aimed at learning to be fully aware of the moment, at identifying the reactions of the body to the thoughts.

The idea is to identify when the thoughts produce a reaction and when this becomes chemical, heating the skin, accelerating the cardiac rhythm, perspiring, shivering. I learn to identify the impulse before acting on it during heated discussions or difficult moments. Other positive consequence of meditation is that it helps me tolerate discomfort because it implies acceptance of the present moment without judging or trying to modify it. By experiencing reality as it is, I gain a feeling of wellbeing and a new sense of spirituality. Meditation also helps me to focus, and this in turn, helps me experience life in full awareness.