On Becoming a Writer

My second grade teacher in the Grupo Escolar Simón Rodríguez, la Maestra Olga, asked the children in khaki pants and red gingham dresses in front of her to write a composition about a popular character in our town, Guarenas. Sitting towards the front of the class, I reached inside my…

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How to find home

How to define home when living an entire life in transition? During the last 20 years, I have lived in three different countries and moved eight times. It’s not packing boxes what unsettles me. Each move has required passports and immigration procedures, driving licenses, professional certification, and helping my family…

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Choosing A Title

I look at prolific writers with a mix of admiration and envy. How do they do all that? They publish a book or more every year, go on tours, and give interviews without missing a beat of their writing routine. I write in hiccups between mental breaks, jobs, and self-doubt.…

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