Ideosyncratic coping strategies

Meditation Exercise 2 – The Ocean and the Rock

No need to find a sign in everything I see or live through. Sometimes it’s just enough to appreciate the view, name if anything, the visible elements, without describing, without finding metaphors or underlying meanings.

No hay necesidad de encontrar un signo en todo lo que vemos y vivimos. A veces es suficiente apreciar la vista, nombrar, si acaso, los elementos visibles, sin describir, sin encontrar metáforas o significados subyacentes.

Overcoming Depression With My Nails / Superando la depresión con mis uñas

When I took a job as a cashier at a retail store, I started focusing on my nails as a symbol of my regaining strength. Today the nails are strong and sharp. I am going to overcome depression. I will recover.