As a blogger and memoirist, I write real stories about mental illness, child abuse, language barriers, and identity. My debut memoir "I Asked the Blue Heron" is now available in stores and online in Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

#WhereILivedWednesday – This House

A few months ago, the company where my husband works transferred him to another state. While we welcomed the opportunity to live new experiences, we were concerned about how the…

Efectos Secundarios y Sexo / Side Effects and Sex

Los efectos secundarios de los antidepresivos en la conducta sexual del paciente pueden convertir a una persona adulta y sexualmente activa en un individuo apático interesado sólo en abrazos y…

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service / Servicios de Salud Mental y Abuso de Drogas

Spanish Version follows Once again the Oklahoma legislature is out to get the mentally ill of our good o’ state. This time Mental Health and Substance Abuse services are at…