As a blogger and memoirist, I write real stories about mental illness, child abuse, language barriers, and identity. My debut memoir "I Asked the Blue Heron" is now available in stores and online in Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

Terrorism, Our Collective Fear

What we can do collectively is to live in awareness of the danger that exists. We should also be grateful that we live in a country of abundance able to extend a helping hand to those in need, where we can practice any religion or no religion, express our disagreement with the government, have access to education and healthcare, and enjoy civil liberties. Refugees can’t. That’s why they flee their countries.

Poem by Diego Fernandez

Diego is a thirteen-year old young man who leaves in Owasso, OK with his mother and brother. I am proud to be a friend of this beautiful and hardworking family. A few days ago, Karla Aguirre, Diego’s mother, posted the poem on her Facebook and expressed both her pride and concern for her son.  …

The Cost of Getting a PhD, by Jennifer Walker

Let me share with you this essay by Jennifer Walker, originally published in Quartz, about Mental Health issues in academia. Honest reflection on the psychological cost of pursuing a PhD. There’s an awful cost to getting a PhD that no one talks about